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Our Services

Solutions for Individuals and Businesses

Financial Statement Audit

Making sure your financial statements are corrpesondent to GAAP.  As a new client, software and reports are evaluated and corrected.

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Forensic Services

KM Books & Consulting is known for determining income for self-employed individuals going through divorce, audit of business and statements and determining fraud.

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Tax Preparation

We do not file taxes themselves, however as a corporate accountant and a strong knowledge of GAAP, working with CPA's and ETA's, we have a strong knowledge of what your CPA or tax preparer needs in order to look at your statements and put numbers in a computer.  Many CPA and Tax firms often do not have time for bookkeeping, auditing reports and things fall through the cracks. We can help make your tax process a smoother process when handing over your items to a CPA or tax firm.

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